Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dead Samurai

I am one of the many subscribers of Xbox Live. I was very skeptical about this at first, paying for a service that everyone else doesn't charge access for. It wasn't until recently that I've been finding how much I actually enjoy this service, all I really want to talk about right now is the content I've recently purchased from Xbox Live Arcade. This game is called The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, which I've provided a video of below. The graphical style of this action platformer is very stylistic and engaging for the eyes. In between levels there are comic cells that move across the screen which I find to work pretty well, short and simple. The gameplay is simple, yet deep with the combos you can pull off (so far I suck and find the game pretty tough in certain parts). Two player is where it's at though, Ian and I played the arcade mode of the game and you get to battle together to clear waves of enemies. I would strongly urge you to pick this up if you have Xbox Live, for 800 MS points it's hard to pass up.

1 comment:

  1. That has to be the bloodiest side scroller in history!
