Sunday, May 3, 2009


I'm going to start this off with something recent, yet so far away. Saturday, I relived one of my past video game experiences from the late '80s and watched Ian and Shane play together. A game I used to play frequently as a child was Legendary Wings for the NES. As you power up your character, I remember becoming nearly indestructible as the video shows below. I'd say it would be nice to have a remake of this game, but really there was nothing exciting about the characters (other than the fact they had actual wings and wore blue or pink spandex); in this type of game, they could have just as easily been just another spaceship.


  1. I love the Legendary Wings!!! Glad to see you blogging. Keep it up! I'll be reading!

  2. Thank you Ian and Bull, spread the word or even make requests on topics or games you'd like to hear about ;)
