Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The beginning

This is the first video game I played, on the first video game console my family owned. Not many people have heard of the Magnavox Odyssey 2. A little known fact, the Magnavox Odyssey was the first home video game console ever released. I never have seen the first Odyssey, but I have watched videos of which were pretty funny. I recently hooked up an Odyssey 2 just to find that the system is fried and will not work, I was saddened by this since there was multiple games installed on-board the internal memory. Though I did find a video of the game we all enjoyed the most which was in a 3-in-1 ROM cartridge called Speedway!-Spin-Out!-Cryptologic! The game we played the most was Spin-Out, a simple, 2 car racing game. Some day I wouldn't mind finding an emulator for the Mac, or even the actual system to re-live some of those classic memories.


  1. I am amazed that you are the first person to ever mention the Oddessy to me!

  2. I started pretty early in my childhood ;)

  3. did you give up on your blog already?
